First Day of Becoming a Vegetarian, Vegan, Might Sometimes Eat Meat Guy

So today was my first day of trying to become a Vegetarian, or something along those lines. Like a lot of things I do I was suckered in by a documentary that I was watching on Netflix called The China Study. Being suckered in by a documentary might not be the right way to put it, but I do feel that I always get really inspired after watching a documentary. I love the D’s what can I say.

Well I did not start the day as a vegetarian I did end it as one. I wanted to begin my Journey into the world of Vegan cooking with the best meal of the day Dinner. I made this awesome dish called African Vegetables from the China Study cookbook, and let me tell you it was an absolutely delicious way to start. If you want to check out the recipe I found a copy of it here.

Not my Picture, I forgot to take one of my own but this is pretty much what the African Vegetables Looked like

I have to say that right now I have no intention of being one of those, nose-up-in-the-air, Vegetarians. I will not refuse food at peoples homes because it has meat in it. I will graciously eat it because well damn it meat is delicious. I still love food and want to be able to enjoy it to it’s fullest. I love the adventure of trying new dishes and become a vegetarian/vegan/sometimes meat eater will certainly help me expand my pallet.

So Join me on my adventure as I step into the well known but sometimes shunned world of Vegan/Vegetarian eating.





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